GEB Products, Inc. Privacy Policy

We understand and respect that your privacy is important to you. We use and share personal information that you provide only in ways that we tell you about. We secure personal information that you provide us to prevent it from being used and shared for other purposes. For more details, please read our Internet Privacy Policy below or contact us. Respect for the privacy of personal information about you is very important to us. GEB Products, Inc. is committed to collecting, maintaining, and securing personal information about you in accordance with this policy, as well as applicable laws, rules and regulations. This policy applies to personal information (as defined below) collected from GEB Products, Inc. resources and communications (such as Web sites, e-mail, and other tools) that display a link to this policy. This policy does not apply to personal information collected from offline resources and communications, except in cases where such personal information is consolidated with personal information collected by GEB Products, Inc. . This policy also does not apply to third-party resources to which GEB Products, Inc. Web sites may link, where GEB Products, Inc. does not control the content or the privacy practices of such resources. Please read this policy carefully. Should you have any questions about this policy or our data collection, use and disclosure practices, please contact us at the address listed on this site in the section 'Contact Us'. The term "personal information" as used throughout this policy, applies to any information or set of information that identifies or that is used by or on behalf of GEB Products, Inc. to identify an individual.

How do we collect personal information?

GEB Products, Inc. collects personal information through Web sites and other resources. GEB Products, Inc. also offers resources in collaboration with other service providers, from which GEB Products, Inc. may receive personal information about users of such resources. These collaborations are governed by contracts that require personal information to be protected appropriately. Individuals may access many parts of our Web sites without disclosing any personal information.

There are two methods that are used to collect personal information :

  1. Information that you provide: GEB Products, Inc. collects personal information and other data that you may enter into forms or data fields on our Web sites. Such information may include, but not be limited to, contact information (such as your name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, user ID and password), date of birth, professional credentials, hobbies and interests. GEB Products, Inc. may also collect health information about you that you provide by responding to our questions and surveys.
  2. Information collected from your computer or other electronic device: Some of our Web sites and other resources use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to provide additional functionality that enables you to use these resources more effectively. GEB Products, Inc. uses tracking technologies in ways that do not identify you personally, such as to track accurately numbers of users or referring sites to our resources. In some cases, GEB Products, Inc. may use tracking technologies in ways that identify you personally, but only after you have entered personal information into a form or data field on our Web sites, or where we have registered you to use our resources by providing a user ID and password based on information validated through other offline interactions with you. We may use tracking technologies to remember your personal preferences and selections, such as personal information that you have entered into data fields on our Web sites, answers that you have provided in response to our surveys, or sections of our Web sites that you visit frequently. You may choose whether or not you want GEB Products, Inc. to use tracking technologies to remember you, and/or to provide additional personalized services to you. If you want to limit data collection through tracking technologies, please refer to your choices as described below. Some of our Web sites and other resources use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to provide additional functionality that enables you to use these resources more effectively. GEB Products, Inc. uses tracking technologies in ways that do not identify you personally, such as to track accurately numbers of users or referring sites to our resources.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file that is sent by Web servers to your computer's hard drive, where your Internet browser files are kept. Cookies enable Web sites to store small bits of information on your computer and retrieve that information at a later time. GEB Products, Inc. uses two types of cookies: session cookies, which are temporary cookies that are erased from your computer's memory when you close your Internet browser or turn your computer off, and persistent cookies, which exist on your computer's hard drive until they expire, unless you delete them at an earlier time.

Why do you collect, use and disclose personal information?

GEB Products, Inc. collects personal information as necessary to enable individuals to register for, customize and personalize certain of GEB Products, Inc. resources and communications. GEB Products, Inc. uses personal information collected to provide products, services and features that individuals have requested; for example, educational literature and related information about GEB Products, Inc. products, e-mail programs, tools, quizzes, questionnaires, and surveys. GEB Products, Inc. analyzes personal information collected to identify and offer additional services and promotions that we believe you might find interesting. GEB Products, Inc. evaluates use of some resources and communications with non-identifiable information only. GEB Products, Inc. also may use personal information to audit its resources for authorized access and security.

Does this site consolidate personal information?

Consistent with the purposes identified and standards set within this policy and other applicable privacy notices that have been provided, in some cases GEB Products, Inc. consolidates and uses personal information that individuals share with GEB Products, Inc. through various services and channels, such as the telephone, surveys, Web sites and other resources and communications, in order to enhance the quality of services that we offer.

What choices do I have about how this site collects, uses and discloses personal information about me?

You have three categories of choices. These include:

  1. No personal information collection: You may choose not to provide any personal information to GEB Products, Inc. by electing not to enter any personal information into a form or data field on our Web sites, and by not using any personalized services provided by our resources. However, some of our resources are available only to individuals who provide personal information or who use personalized services.
  2. Limitations and options regarding uses and disclosures for other purposes: Some GEB Products, Inc. resources may request your permission to use and disclose personal information about you in order to add you to our contact lists, and to identify and offer additional services and promotions that we believe you might find interesting. You can limit the use of personal information about you by checking or un-checking options provided at the time that you enter that information.
  3. Limitations and options on tracking: GEB Products, Inc. resources that use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to remember your personal preferences and selections, enable you to choose whether you want GEB Products, Inc. to use such technologies to remember you, or to provide additional services to you, by checking or un-checking options provided during registration, or at the time that you enter personal information into forms or data fields. Our resources do not limit non-identifiable uses of tracking technologies for individual users. Individual users can control the use of certain tracking technologies, such as cookies, through most Internet browsers. Some Internet browsers enable you to limit or disable the use of cookies for individual Web sites. Other browsers allow you to select cookie settings for all Web sites that you visit. If you are concerned about the use of cookie technology, please read our section above on "Information collected from your computer or other electronic device" to understand the ways that GEB Products, Inc. uses tracking technologies. If you limit or disable cookies, certain functions of our Web sites may not work properly, including access to some of our registration-based Web sites.

Who will have access to personal information about me?

Personal information about you will be accessible to GEB Products, Inc. , including its subsidiaries, divisions and groups worldwide, and to individuals and organizations that use personal information solely for and at the direction of GEB Products, Inc. . Uses and disclosures of personal information by external individuals and organizations acting on GEB Products, Inc. behalf are governed by contracts that require personal information to be protected appropriately. Personal information about you only will be used and disclosed by GEB Products, Inc. and individuals and organizations working on its behalf, in a manner consistent with this policy, other applicable privacy notices, and as explicitly permitted or required by applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Is my personal information shared with third parties?

In general, GEB Products, Inc. does not give or sell personal information about you to third parties. However, circumstances may arise where GEB Products, Inc. may, for business reasons, decide to reorganize or divest its business through sale, merger or acquisition. In these circumstances, personal information may be shared with actual or prospective purchasers. GEB Products, Inc. will obtain written assurances that personal information will be protected appropriately in these circumstances. Except where explicitly permitted or required by law, or provided in this policy, personal information about you will not otherwise be shared without your permission.

How is my personal information secured?

GEB Products, Inc. will take reasonable steps to protect personal information as it is transmitted from your computer to our resources and servers, as well as to protect personal information in its possession from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. It is your personal responsibility to secure your own copies of your passwords and related access codes for our resources.

How do you protect the privacy of children?

In general, GEB Products, Inc. Web sites are not directed at children and most of the services that we offer are designed for individuals who are 18 years of age or older.

How will I know if this policy is updated?

GEB Products, Inc. may update this policy periodically. GEB Products, Inc. reserves the right to modify, add/or remove portions of this privacy statement at its discretion. If we decide to change this policy, we will post those changes at this site so you always will know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone. This policy was last updated on June 26, 2014